Meet Matt Arnold
05 Aug 2021
Introduce yourself!
My name is Matt Arnold and I am 24 years old. I am currently located in San Diego, CA and graduated from San Diego State University in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in accounting. I have been living in San Diego for about 7 years now and currently have a full-time job doing medical software sales and also run my own online personal training business.

How did you get into Fitness?
I actually found my passion for fitness when I had surgery on my labrum back in high school (about 16 years old) and had to quit both football and baseball. Looking back, this has been almost a blessing in disguise for me because I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for this traumatic experience.
I initially went to San Diego State University with aspirations of becoming a physical therapist/ sports medicine specialist because that was where my passion laid. After a few semesters as a kinesiology student, I decided that an additional 4 years of school at the graduate level was just not for me and that is when I decided to switch to business with an emphasis in accounting so I could one day start my own business.
Throughout college, I managed to stay in good shape but was very distracted with partying and binge drinking frequently every week. Upon graduaton, I made a huge left turn and went all in on my health and physique to get to where I am today.
What do you love about fitness?
I always looked towards weight training as a means of therapy. The gym is the one place I go to on a daily basis that allows me to zone in and work on myself while blocking out all the distractions. I have always enjoyed pushing my body to its absolute limits and watching my physique transform as a result of hard work both inside and outside the gym.
Growing up, I was always insecure about my weight and would always feel self-conscious whenever I was too skinny or overweight. I believe everyone deserves to feel good about themselves which is why I love being a personal trainer and helping people attain their ideal physique.

Who or what is your inspiration?
I have never really looked to a single person as inspiration, but rather groups or organizations such as Jed North.
I always looked up to many IFBB pro athletes and old school bodybuilders such as Frank Zane, Franco Columbo and of course Arnold Schwarzenegger.
How do you keep motivated?
I have a lot to thank for my friends, family, clients and colleagues for keeping me motivated. If it was not for them, I would not be where I am today in terms of my business and overall health.
As a coach and personal trainer, it is my job to lead by example. I have made a lot of sacrifices the past couple years which has definitely taken a toll on my social life but will continue to make these sacrifices as long as I can spread knowledge and inspiration through health, fitness and bodybuilding.
Your favorite piece of Jed North clothing?
My favorite piece of Jed North clothing would have to be the stringer with lighting bolts all over it. This is such an iconic piece of clothing and actually inspired me to put the bolt as the logo for my LLC.
What does your diet consist of?
I have a pretty basic diet. I eat 6 meals a day and consists of the following:
M1: Cream of rice with iso protein powder and almond butter (Pre-workout)
M2: Rice cakes and protein powder (Post-workout)
M3: Eggs and spinach
M4 & M5: Jasmine rice, Chicken (or ground turkey) w/ mixed veggies
M6: Jasmine rice w/ steak and veggies
I have found that the more basic the diet, the better. This reduces variables that may contribute to factors such as fluctuations in weight.
Lastly, what are your future goals?
My goals are to be a successful online personal trainer while obtaining my IFBB Pro Card in Men's Physique. Maybe one day I will have aspirations of taking it to the next level to hopefully one day be the next Mr. Olympia!
Follow Matt Arnold on Instagram here
Follow Jed North here